Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Budding artists

The Seafarer bubble keeps holding! Even with rain and thunderstorms to our west we had a full, fun day out on activities. These campers were hard at work using the pottery wheels - great talent!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Demonstrating Skills

The confidence that comes with learning new skills was demonstrated by campers today as they showed how to rig and furl a sunfish while explaining the process to some camp guests. "Articulate and self-confident" is how the campers were described after the experience.

Pedro at Sea Gull

Pedro, the search and rescue helicopter from MCAS Cherry Point, landed at Sea Gull on Monday afternoon. The Marines gave tours of the helicopter and joined us for patriotic dinner in the Mess Hall! In the Mess Hall, they described the mission of the search and rescue team and gave advice to campers and staff about working hard and accomplishing goals.
Pedro and crew ended their Sea Gull visit with an enthusiastic fly-by, demonstrating typical rescue techniques.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Scots cruising

The weather was perfect for the Scot skipper candidates to take an all-day cruise. As they approached Seafarer the skippers practiced flying spinnakers.

"Cash cab" at Camp Seafarer

To celebrate "Landapalooza" the land team created their own version of "cash cab" on the Green Bean. Campers answered questions from the Green Book while traveling the camp grounds - and at the end of the trip earned ice cream! It was a popular activity to say the least!

A Gorgeous Sunday morning

It was a picture-perfect day on the Neuse this morning! Every sunfish was checked out, the scots were cruising with campers aboard and the lake was packed!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Perfect End to a Great Day!

Day is done, gone the sun

From the lakes from the hills from the sky

All is well, safely rest

God is nigh

Friday, June 25, 2010

Staying Cool

Campers have lots of opportunity to stay cool when the temperatures are hot. Campers cool off every day on the water or at the swim lake, and a nice sea breeze cools off the cabins most nights. But sometimes campers enjoy a little extra help cooling off from friends in the local community!

Reaching for Those Goals

Campers continue to reach for those high goals they have set.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Land Team Tryouts

Yesterday we had a great day and continued with Land Team tryouts. Campers played hard and stayed cool by jumping in the swim lake and zooming down the otter slide! Last night, campers and counselors could be found enjoying a beautiful sunset on the land and sea during a fun SUPER night!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Having fun while building skills

It was a beautiful day on the crystal coast today. The sailing staff challenged campers to sail upwind to earn candy on "Terrifying Tuesday", while the motorboaters kept busy running ski team try-outs, teaching beginner skiers and leading cruises. The land program was also hopping with campers eager to earn all of their first ranks to complete the rank of "Alfa".

Pushing to Achieve

Campers are pushing to achieve their ranks on the sea.

In addition, cabin tournaments have started in each of the four camps. Camp I's tournament is kickball, but it's still very competitive!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Great Beginning to Week Two!

We are off and running in the second week! Campers have been swarming around the sail loft during their sailing clinics and many are eager to pass the US Powerboating safe boat handling certification.

A New Week

Our second week at camp begins with a lot of excitement. Campers are working hard towards their goals. A Camp I-Camp IV Big Brother-Little Brother regatta draws a big crowd this morning. Tonight's Evening Programs include: Stunt & Talent (Camp I), Cabin Night (Camp II), Swim Lake (Camp III) and Dodge Ball Tournament (Camp IV).

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Camp Seafarer as the storm rolls in....

and a BEAUTIFIUL sunset after the storm!

Sunday Traditions

Campers sleep-in after a fun-filled evening at the dance and fireball carnival. Another free day completes the weekend. Our traditional Sunday lunch of fried chicken and singing of Sea Gull songs celebrates the beginning of a new week. We end today with Sunday Services and time for cabin and personal reflection.


Campers enjoy their first free day at camp, where they are welcome to go on the land or sea or to take part in one of our extended boat cruises or cool off at general swims all day long.

As always, the dance is a big hit with campers.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Great Saturday

After a traditional lunch of hot dogs, chocolate milk and fudgesicles an extended rest period due to unsettled weather in the area was perfect. Thankfully the sun came out, activities re-opened, and we got to spend time with friends.

"The sun may set, but the fun never ends..." - of course the perfect Saturday ends with a Sea Gull/Seafarer dance.

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's great to have all of our Camp 4 campers back at Seafarer after a great Long Cruise!

The last two days have brought slightly cooler temperatures and bright sunshine so there have been lots of happy campers out on activities.

Friday Night Movies

Campers gather in Cheek Hall to watch the USA play their second match of the World Cup.

As Senior Counselors in charge of the cabins are writing their first weekly report to parents, campers enjoy a Friday night movie in the hut!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Boating Skills to Campfires

Our days continue to be filled with great learning and fun activities. On sailing and motorboating, we've been using coach boats to teach our basic seamanship skills. As campers progress, the move up to larger boats and more advanced skills.

The new Green Book have encouraged campers to set those goals. Many campers are busy completing the "Alpha" rank - first ranks on all land activities.

And of course, you can't end the day without a great evening programs. This is Camp II having a World Cup themed bonfire.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

An Unbelievable Wednesday at Sea Gull

Activities were full of campers setting high goals on the third full day of first session. Rank achievement was in full swing on the land and on the sea. Campers learned new skills as they checked off ranks in their blue and green books.
The Southwind, captained by Sykes DeHart, cruised the Neuse as campers learned sailing skills on our fleet of keel boats.
Grills are blazing and cheeseburgers are cooking - it's cookout night! We are gearing up for an awesome Cabin Night tonight and a great day tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Successful Day

With pictures, swim assessments and orientation behind us, we had a great full day at camp today.

The sea was going strong with sailboats and motorboats out all day. Our first fishing trip headed out, with great success.

Land activities we in full swing. Campers cooled off at instructional swim as well as all our other activities.

Another great day at Sea Gull

It's a beautiful morning at Seafarer

First Session is off to at busy start. Campers are learning knot tying skills and learning how to coil a line and throw a painter. Seamanship skills start today!
The boats are all checked out, the sun is shining and the lower Neuse River is sparkling. Campers are earning ranks all over the land!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Off to a Great Start

Sea Gull campers are off to a great start on our first full day of camp. Down on the sea, we've been busy earning our first ranks and renewing ranks from years past.

All the campers have been excited to cool off at the Swim Lake as they went through their initial swim assessments.

As the sun set at Sea Gull, campers enjoyed their first cabin night together.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Opening Day at Camp

Today campers arrived, from all over the world, for First Session. The Mess Halls are alive with energy; campers and staff are enjoying Sea Gull and Seafarer's famous fried chicken! The best summer ever has arrived!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sunset at Seafarer

There's nothing in the world like a Seafarer sunset!